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現代紙牌藝術 2.0

Modern Intricacies 2 by Yoann

Modern Intricacies 2 by Yoann
商品編號:Modern Intricacies 2 by Yoann
建議售價: 1350
網 購 價 : 930
賣場編號: 001870 加入追蹤清單
Modern Intricacies 2 by Yoann 睽違了三年,現在紙牌藝術終於出第二集了!Yoann已經準備好收集多年的大招一次放出來了! 從中等難度到進階難度的程序應有盡有,你的觀眾將親眼見證魔術的瞬間,所以拿起你的牌一起踏入現代紙牌藝術吧! 一共有12招全新的紙牌魔術,70分鐘的片長 Ambre: Witness a face up card going up a spread of 4 cards one step at a time Decided: A minimalist variation of Yoann‘s famous undecided routine with new changes and a kicker ending Direct: A really direct sandwich routine featuring a new opening sequence and a great load Dooble: Two selections are found sandwiched by the four aces in a flowing flourish Haircut: A clean transposition between 2 "four of a kind" with one of them isolated in the center of the deck Jacklass: Yoann‘s take on Ernest Earick jack synapses Solution: A nice solution to Hofsinzer‘s aces problem Travesty: An ungimmicked visual transposition of two cards that will make you think you hallucinated Welcome: A selected card travels invisibly between two pairs of cards... twice Cardace: A magical production of the 4 aces using a selected card Joker52: Have a card selected and use the jokers to find it... and more Criminal: Watch closely as 2 jacks visually melt through the pack to find the selection



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